RedCon Rising is a master class
in owning your life

RedCon Rising is a master class in owning your life—the good and the bad—and making no excuses for those tribulations. Aaron Singerman has led what seems to be multiple lives, and his book offers readers a cheat sheet to success, forged through a lifetime of grave mistakes and soaring successes.


Ships 4/25/22


Ships 4/25/22


Ships 4/25/22


Ships 4/25/22


One of the most recognized, successful, and controversial faces in bodybuilding, Aaron Singerman has risen from the depths of drug addiction to the heights of business—only to fall again and do time in a federal prison. Now, he’s back and telling all.

aaron singerman redcon


Take a roller coaster ride with Aaron in this tragic, uplifting, and shocking memoir detailing the highest peaks and lowest valleys of a fascinating life. 

With much of the book written from prison in an honest, funny, and self-deprecating manner, Aaron tells of growing up a problem child, becoming a refugee after being displaced by Hurricane Katrina, and barely surviving as an intravenous cocaine and heroin user. 

After finally getting clean and forcing his way into the bodybuilding and supplement world to grow an empire, Aaron hurtled back toward rock bottom when he was suddenly arrested and sent to prison.


Equal parts business book, cautionary tale, self-help manual, and unbelievable memoir, RedCon Rising delivers lessons for all in an entertaining, conversational fashion while holding nothing back. 

Read Aaron’s incredible true stories about injecting heroin by candlelight in a FEMA apartment in Houston after witnessing the murder of his drug dealer; being thrown out of the multimillion-dollar business he grew from scratch; being indicted and serving a prison sentence until his release in December of 2022; and much, much more.


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